Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Hi Qwerty!

I've done with my major paper!

But I got another one coming up..hehe.. But I'm still feeling glad; a quarter of my sem-end burden has been lifted from me. I'm happy not because I did so well in it; I was just glad that I don't have to think about it anymore.

The questions are not too difficult nor too easy, and I'm partly confident with my answers. But I enjoyed every second of it. I hope (and pray) that I would get good grade for this paper. A- perhaps? :) I can't get A for my coursework is just A-, so A- is good enough. Yeah!!

I'm going to have a rest tonight, besides, an old friend of mine wanna have a chat with me. I wonder what he has to say after such a long time haha. Anyway, I hope it's something that wont ruin my starry mood at the moment (lol).

Oh ya, around 8 I want to try packing some of my stuff to see if it will fit into the box. If it wont, I'll have to get another box (which is very troublesome). I can't wait to go home~~~! XD

Bye dearie, talk to you later! :D


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