Sunday, July 18, 2010


Dear Qwerty,

I'm currently listening to One Republic's All Fall Down from their album Dreaming Out Loud. Isn't it one of the best song ever? Loving the lyrics to the last of my neurons. I think we would all interpret the lyrics differently, but it's okay, that proves that we human beings are unique. That we don't have carbon copies of each other. That we are who we are, forever.

We should learn to appreciate each other too, because there's no replacement for anybody. When it's gone, it's gone, for good.

And most importantly, we must appreciate ourselves too. Cuz there's no replacement for us in this world, ever again. Not in a hundred years, not in thousands, never.

I believe we live for a purpose in this world. And not just any purpose, it's something that only we can do.

It could be from the littlest thing such as picking a can off the road that could harm an old lady coming on the way without we knowing it, to being the first human walking on the moon. But bear in mind that we humans are created to choose, which explain our tremendous ability to choose, even our future. It's human's exclusive ability. I'd like to use it then.

But as always, God will make all the decision.

Don't be disappointed if you didn't get what you've worked for. We could easily love things that is detrimental to us, we often avoid things that are essential for us. That's why God will make the decision for us, so that we don't choose wrongly.

Please do remember, that everything happens for a reason. Be strong. Be patient. And eventually, you will find out the reason why.

P/s: Don't be afraid to cry, it's our strongest defense and most potent rejuvenator for heartbreak.


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